Dentistry Marketing

Dentistry Marketing is a DOTTCOM Spin-Off and was founded in 2009 as a communication agency focused on the odontoiatric world.

Why Dentistry Marketing.

In some specific areas, especially in the medical sector, the client, whether it is a small dental clinic or a large multinational, requires the agency to have specific expertise. When it comes to ALIGNERS, for example, rather than ALL-ON-FOUR, it is important for the customer’s marketing department not to have to start from scratch to explain what they are talking about: saving time and money for both.

Where we started from.

But where does our specific expertise come from? As it often happens, everything started by chance. In 2009, we designed the brochure for Dr. Garino and his practice. Working together, we found out that Dr. Garino was not only an excellent orthodontist, but one of the most important national and international names for the use of the INVISALIGN technique – this is a new system for teeth alignment – as an alternative to the traditional brace – developed by an American company called Align Technology.

The enthusiasm of Dr. Garino, and our desire to discover new worlds, has allowed us to enter a fascinating world and to work not only in Italy, but also abroad, for world leading companies such as Invisalign, Acceledent, Intensiv SA and groups such as EAS, European Aligner Society.

Today, Dr. Garino is scientific consultant for dottcom DM.

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