Personal Branding | FINANCE is a project aimed to the world of financial advisors.
What is Personal Branding?
PERSONAL BRANDING is communication applied to the individual professional rather than to a company. As for large companies, it is important to define a communication strategy that enhances the professional’s strengths, in order to make him unique and different from his competitors.
EFPA Italia Meeting 2016, Taormina.
At the EFPA annual meeting, we were invited as speakers to the seminar on Personal Branding. EFPA Italia is one of the subsidiaries of the European Financial Planning Association™ (EFPA), a Brussels-based non-profit association (AISBL). On the European level this is the most authoritative professional organization in charge of standard setting and professional certification for Financial Advisors and Financial Planners, with more than 20,000 certified professionals in the continent.
2017. Partner of EFPA.
Following their interest in our work, at the end of 2017 EFPA asked us to become their PARTNER for communication by signing an exclusive agreement with Marketing Solution, the EFPA company for services dedicated to professionals.
So we decided to create a Spin-Off on this topic, creating a communication offer focused on Personal Branding.